


What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is the cosmetic surgery of the nose. With rhinoplasty, deformities from either birth or trauma can be corrected by making changes in the bones, cartilages and soft tissues of the nose. A hump may be removed and the width can be decreased to give a more beautiful look. Nasal surgery may be performed only for cosmetic purposes, or a combination procedure to improve both form and function. It can also cure nasal breathing problems.

How is the procedure performed?

Usually, a controlled IV Anesthesia is utilized. The patient usually arrives early and medications are administered and supplemented with intravenous medication. During anesthesia your vital signs are determined as safe and stable. Surgery generally lasts between one to two hours depending on its combination with functional surgery breathing improvement. The patient experiences no pain during the surgery. A splint or cast is applied and will be removed between 4 to 6 days. After the procedure is completed, the patient then recovers in a relaxed ward environment for about half day before being driven home by a companion.

When can Rhinoplasty be performed?

Nasal surgery is generally avoided in children. There are some exceptions to this rule including major deformities which could influence the mental and emotional health of a child. In such situations, correction of these deformities could be done before school age. For lesser deformities surgery is deferred until after the child stops growing (about 14th year of life). Proper Rhinoplasties performed on teenagers could be beneficial to the social development and self confidence of the individual. The aging process is reflected in many ways in the nose and its correction can make appearances look younger.

What does a typical Rhinoplasty consultation entail?

The Rhinologic Surgeon will hear your ideas and he will explain what can be achieved realistically. You could observe multiple photographs of before and after surgery from patients similar to you during consultation. A good Rhinologic Surgeon will not just make your nose smaller, rather he will perform a complete facial analysis based on your own facial features and bone structure. Perhaps, it will only take a minimal change to make a beautiful nose in harmony with facial structures. There is no common rule for every patient. Thus, the procedure must be individualized for every case. 

What should I expect post-operatively?

After your surgery, your Rhinologic Surgeon will have placed a light cast over your nose and a gauze pad underneath your nose to catch blood and mucous. Most patients report no serious pain or discomfort. However, some patients do report the discomfort of breathing with the packing for about two days. 

When will the cast be removed?

The cast is removed approximately 4 to 6 days post-operatively. The bones will completely mend within 2 months. Usually there are no sutures to be removed.

When will I be able to see the results?

The nose will be very sensitive for approximately a month. The patient will start to see a difference immediately but it will still be swollen. Generally the swelling starts to disappear about a week after the cast is removed. Most of swelling and discoloration are usually gone by 2 weeks after surgery. About 90% of the swelling is gone by three months after surgery and the rest slowly disappears over two years. Although the nose is still swollen after the first month, most people would not recognize this fact. The patient will not notice this swelling. Instead, the patient will notice that the nose becomes more refined with better definition over the first year. The inside of the nose may be swollen for approximately three weeks after the surgery. Nasal breathing may be difficult during this time. If surgery is performed to straighten the nasal septum, an improvement in breathing will be appreciated after a month. 

I had a Rhinoplasty with another surgeon about 6 months ago. I could not breath normally through the nose. Is this normal?

Usually at this time the breathing should be mostly restored. I would suggest that you have a follow up with your surgeon and ask his advice or determine if the lack of airway is indeed from a problem inside nose. If you had no results, I recommend that you have a diagnostic nasal endoscopy to define clearly all of internal problems of your nose.

What is diagnostic endoscopy of nose?

Diagnostic endoscopy of nose is a simple diagnostic tool to observe all of details inside the nose to determine every abnormal condition which causes difficult breathing. I perform it routinely on every patient whose problem demands further investigation. With the better observation and better understanding, we can treat problems more effectively.

How Rhinoplasty is done?

The nose is the central feature of the face, its position could affect the whole of the face. Surgery to reshape the nose is a very common plastic surgery procedure and it can either increase or decrease the size of nose. The shape of the tip, the bridge and the angle between the nose and the upper lip can be changed. Breathing difficulties can be corrected at the same time. There is usually some bruising and swelling, particularly around the eyes, which can take up to three weeks to completely disappear. By the end of the third week, swelling will have settled sufficiently for you to look normal to others and as if you have not any recent surgery. You can go to your school, university or job a week after surgery.

nose plastic surgery

Why are pictures taken before and after surgery?

Pictures are taken prior to surgery to help plan the procedure. They are useful guides which surgeon will use in planning and preparing for the surgical procedure. In addition, postoperative photos are taken to enable you and the surgeon to evaluate the results of the procedure.